We Hold Nothing Back

The End Of A Marriage Or Business

The dissolution of a marriage is an emotionally charged process, but it is often the legal and financial complexities of asset division that pose the most significant challenges. Unfortunately, the very same can be said of so-called “business divorces.”

With decades of experience, Smith & Fawer, LLC is adept at handling everything from straightforward to highly complex community-property cases. Our time-tested experience in community-property disputes and our comprehensive expertise in business disputes, or business divorces, uniquely positions us to navigate the intricate nuances of your matter. We go all out to ensure that you receive your rightful and equitable share.

Our Record Of Acumen And Success

Whether it is a matter of untangling assets in high-value businesses, determining the rightful distribution of shared investments, or tracing and identifying concealed assets, we provide expertise, clarity and guidance lead by partner J. Geoffrey Ormsby.

Our commitment to excellence in community-property litigation is evidenced by our history of significant wins, including recently protecting almost $20 million in post-marital severance wages from being improperly divided as a community asset.

At Smith & Fawer, LLC we combine our robust legal acumen with a compassionate approach, ensuring that our clients emerge from the process with their dignity intact and their assets fairly divided.

For our guidance on community-property disputes, contact our office at 504-527-4286 or send us an email to set a meeting.